
Screen Bitches on Good Luck to You Leo Grande, Hacks and Borgen | S8 E04

Screen Bitches on Good Luck to You Leo Grande, Hacks and Borgen | S8 E04

What are you streaming these days? Two Old Bitches always wants to know, especially if you find shows that feature pithy, provocative and stereotype-busting roles for women of a certain age. Luckily, we're seeing some uptick in those (though not nearly pithy and provocative enough and mostly white women....). That's why we're back with two of our three magnificent Screen Bitches -- Debbie Zimmerman (commentator extraordinaire and fearless leader of feminist film organization Women Make Movies) and Malaga Baldi (goddess literary agent and country bumpkin) -- to explore three recent shows that really grabbed our attention. Good Luck to You Leo Grande is streaming on Hulu and features the inimitable Emma Thompson as a recently widowed woman in her fifties who hires a sex worker in search of her first orgasm. Hacks (Season 2) stars the always-mesmerizing Jean Smart -- who won her second Emmy for Hacks as lead actress in a comedy series this year -- and is streaming on HBO. And we have a lot of conflicting views and feelings about the fourth season of Borgen, a Danish political series streaming on Netflix and starring Sidse Babett Knudsen. If you want media commentary from an unapologetically old-bitch/feminist perspective (and who wouldn't??), listen to this lively episode, tune in to the shows we're talking about, and let us know what you're watching. Can't wait to hear from you!

and p.s.: Screen Bitch Aruna Rao was on 'unpaid' vacation in Norway when we recorded this episode. We hope to have her back next time!

Marlies Yearby – Deep Body Listener | S8 E05

Marlies Yearby – Deep Body Listener | S8 E05

 Judy Gold – You Can’t Argue With An Older Woman | S8 E03

Judy Gold – You Can’t Argue With An Older Woman | S8 E03