”Always leave while you’re still having a good time!” - Joanne Sandler
“If it pleases me, I will.” - Idelisse Malavé
”Always leave while you’re still having a good time!” - Joanne Sandler
“If it pleases me, I will.” - Idelisse Malavé
Stephen P. Williams - Are You Stephen’s People? | S8 E01
Ellen Bravo: Standing Up | S7 E10
Red-Boots Kickass Bitch and Wisdom Hag | S7 E09
Two Old Bitches/StoriedLives | S7 E08
Sari Botton - The Oldster | S7 E07
Screen Bitches – Why We Love Hacks | S7 E06
Isa Infante - Of Course I Can! | S7 E05
Julie Cajune & Jennifer Finley – “Bad Indians” | S7 E03
Heidi Woordhuis - Crone of Anarchy | S6 E10
Call Your Girlfriend Podcast Summer of Friendship - Two Old Bitches | S6 Bonus Episode
A Guided Meditation | S6 Bonus Episode
Trudy Berlin - A 98-Year-Old Work-in-Progress | S6 E09
Bodhisattvas & QuaranQueens | S6 E08
Srilatha Batliwala - Granny Sri | S6 E07
A Feminist Parable: "But My Neighbor Is Fasting" by Srilatha Batliwala | Bonus Episode
Sonoko Sakai – Salary Woman No More! | S6 E06
Screen Bitches - What We’re Watching | S6 E05
Dina Bursztyn - ArTchaeologist | S6 E04
Politics and Possibility | S6 E03
Ruth Strassberg – Stranger in a Strange Land | S5 E10
Cynthia Madansky - Always Avant Garde | S5 E09
What Else Is There but Pleasure? | S5 E08
Chiemi Karasawa – Sacred Reciprocity | S5 E07
Joanne’s Obsession - An Unforgettable Story of Sexual Harassment at the United Nations | S5 E06
Julie Cajune – The Sum of Her Stories | S5 E05
Lucero Gonzalez – The Feminist Who Could | S5 E04
Tish and Snooky Bellomo – Aging Disgracefully (Founders/owners of Manic Panic) | S5 E03
Mother’s More Than a Day | S4 E10
Hrag Vartanian - Serious, Playful and Radical | S4 E09
Tracy Hyter-Suffern - Quite a Handful | S4 E08
Sharon Louden - Radical Generosity | S4 E07
Michaela Walsh - The Next Adventure | S4 E06
Renata Joy - Pure Joy! | S4 E05
Bitches Know - How to Totally Avoid Jet-Lag Forever! | S4 E04
Joy Kane - If They're Buying It, I'm Teaching It | S3 E10
Houry Geudelekian - The Original Houry! | S3 E09
Hendrica Okondo - Born, Bred and Wed in Nairobi | S3 E08
Maya Wiley - The Possibilist | S3 E07
Emma & Idelisse - To A Beloved Buddha Mom | S3 E06
Betsy ‘La Guapa’ Gude - Fearless Adventurer | S3 E05
Luxor Tavella - Icon of West Broadway and Soho | S3 E04
Janice Zarro Brodman - Sex Rules! | S3 E03
Freida Williams and Diane Scanlon - What’s This Song Good For? | S2 E10
Inca Alexandrina Mohamed - My Life Is My Art | S2 E09
Sondra Lee - As I Was Saying | S2 E08
Malaga Baldi - No One is Watching | S2 E07
Kathy Brew - Unfurling Like A Spiral | S2 E06
Socorro Reyes - Harvest Time | S2 E05
Jaune Evans - Weaving and Spinning | S2 E04
Ana Falu - I Am What I Am! | S2 E03
Dodo Berk - Age Is A Number, and Mine is Unlisted | S1 E10
Radhika Balakrishnan - I Want To Know What They Know | S1 E09
Alta Starr - Everything Is Already All Right | S1 E08
Carol Jenkins – Serial Adjustments | S1 E07
Elaine Finsilver – The Cracked Plate | S1 E06
Noeleen Heyzer – Through the Eyes of Experience | S1 E05
Behind The Scenes: The Bitches Tell All!
Jane Summer - Finding Her Story | S1 E04
A Very Special Holiday Message From The Bitches
Katherine Acey - Will the Elders Please Stand? | S1 E03
Sandra Garcia Betancourt – I Am the Point | S1 E02
About Us
Idelisse Malavé (Executive Producer/Co-Host), 74, has been honing her bitchcraft for decades. A working class Puerto Rican immigrant raised in a middle-class Brooklyn neighborhood, she graduated from Columbia Law School, defying expectations of who and what she could be to become a fierce social justice activist. After practicing public interest law in the 70s and 80s, she went on to lead progressive organizations – as Vice President of the Ms. Foundation and Executive Director of Tides Foundation – and co-wrote two books, Mother Daughter Revolution (Bantam) and Latino Stats (The New Press), the latter with her daughter.
Liberated from full-time leadership jobs (although, yes, she still consults to support her profound shopping habit), Idelisse is now free to exercise her greatest asset: asking provocative questions that lead to thoughts and ideas you didn't even know you had.
Her motto these days is:
“If it pleases me, I will.”
Joanne Sandler (Executive Producer/Co-Host), 71, is on an endless journey to find her bitchy voice. She’s written articles and books about serious stuff -- like Gender at Work (Routledge), How Feminists Change Bureaucracies and Bureaucracies Change Feminists (Oxford Press), Women’s Rights Have No Country (OpenDemocracy) -- but for some strange reason, mainstream publishers and producers have yet to see the brilliance of her political essays, satirical musicals or scripts for TV thrillers. (Her psychic says she’ll be ‘discovered’ soon).
A lifelong feminist, Joanne was ‘institutionalized’ for nearly two decades (as Deputy Executive Director of the UN Development Fund for Women-UNIFEM -- and many other women’s rights organizations). She’s traveled to more than 65 countries and -- now freed from full-time employment -- Joanne indulges her passions: podcasting, consulting (as a senior associate for Gender at Work), altered states and feminist fantasies.
Her lifelong motto still applies
”Always leave while you’re still having a good time!”
Katharine Heller (Producer,/Editor) is thrilled to amplify the voices of old bitches everywhere. A six-year veteran of the podcast world, she was the host of the storytelling podcast Tell The Bartender (featured on NPR's Guide to Great Podcasts, named Top 10 NYC Based Podcasts by Brokelyn), and co-host of The Struggle Bus Podcast: Self-Care, Mental Health and Other Hilarious Stuff.
Katharine is the Founder/Owner/Receptionist/CEO/Office Manager/President/Vice President/Janitor/Assistant Business Development Strategist of The Podcast Shop, which produces countless (ok, 8) other amazing podcasts. She is an actor, writer, playwright, storyteller and voiceover artist and has been seen/heard in various TV and radio commercials.
Katharine Heller knows her shit! What would we have done without her extraordinary energy, verve, deep podcasting knowledge, and expertise? We can’t thank you enough for making podcasting fun!
Rick Guidotti, former fashion photographer and Founder/Executive Director of Positive Exposure, can wring a good photo out of anyone. Thank you for making us feel so glamorous!