What gives you joy, a sense of profound pleasure? What tickles your fancy and makes you feel like you’re in the midst of a magic moment? The sources and varieties of pleasure for the women we interview never cease to enlighten and inspire us. What we love, especially, is the way the old bitches we talk to describe the deep pleasure they experience from what is easily available: laughing over nothing with a friend, a glimpse at the sky while you’re working, a memory of the first symphony you ever heard. Maybe you’re an ecstasy junkie or a wild disruptor who loves challenging what people expect from ‘an old bitch’ or you’re post-menopausal and discovering renewal with the Mona Lisa method? Find your sisters here in this compilation episode. Listen to find out about joining the 'better, deeper, more' club and to take the Two Old Bitches vow: What else is there but pleasure? And send us an email at 2OBPodcast@gmail.com to share even more examples of what gives you pleasure.
”Always leave while you’re still having a good time!” - Joanne Sandler
“If it pleases me, I will.” - Idelisse Malavé