
Epiphanies, Turning Points and Serendipity | S8 E09

Epiphanies, Turning Points and Serendipity | S8 E09

You know those “aha” moments, those flashing lights of clarity, the thundering realization that you’ve met your passion? We realized that so many of the women we’ve talked with on TOB have had these at different points in their lives. And these epiphanies, turning points and serendipitous happenings continue throughout our lives. So, as we start 2023, we went back to different conversations with the extraordinary women we’ve interviewed on TOB to understand the amazingly diverse ways that epiphanies help us to turn lemons into lemonade, discover our calling, and fully own the ways that we are aging and saging. Immersing yourself in their insights and surprises may be one of the best ways to start a new year! We hope you enjoy and please let us know if you’ve had a life-changing epiphany or turning point that you’d like to share. We’d love to record it. 

In this episode, we will hear from (in this order): Jennifer Finley, Chiemi Kurasawa, Lucero Gonzalez (read in English by Sandra Garcia Betancourt), Claron McFadden, Ellen Bravo, Donna Uchizono, Sandra Guzman, Isa Infante, Dina Bursztyn, Srilatha Batliwala, Nadine Hack, Trudy Berlin, Ashton Applewhite and Renata Joy. With our deep appreciation to all of them for so generously sharing their wisdom.

Branca Moreria Alves - Call Me Feminist | S8 E10

Branca Moreria Alves - Call Me Feminist | S8 E10

Rosanne Ebner and Liberty Valance – The Clay Knows Better | S8 E08

Rosanne Ebner and Liberty Valance – The Clay Knows Better | S8 E08