Trudy Berlin - A 98-Year-Old Work-in-Progress | S6 E09
Imagine your life as a perpetual learning journey where you grow braver and more transcendent as the years pass. That is how Trudy Berlin has lived. She is the 98-year-old host of “The Ladies Room with Trudy Berlin”, a weekly discussion group for women over 70. She started it twenty years ago and when the pandemic hit, the group went virtual. The Washington Post christened Trudy “the ‘Oprah’ of senior citizens” at the Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center in Boca Raton, Florida. In her nineties, she continues to live with undiminished excitement, appreciation, openness and yes, fun. Trudy has written all her life –she went back to school at 39 to study literature and poetry at Sarah Lawrence— and during the pandemic “went back to [her] books and studies,” realizing, “I have so much more I want to say.” Trudy reminded us of a Thoreau quote warning that most people die “with their song unsung.” We trust that Trudy’s determination to continually perfect and amplify her song, bringing a vibrant group of older women along with her, will inspire you to turn up your own volume!
And to read more about Trudy and The Ladies Room, check out:
Coming soon!