Ongoing conversations about older women’s experience of their physical appearance as they grow older
”Always leave while you’re still having a good time!” - Joanne Sandler
“If it pleases me, I will.” - Idelisse Malavé
”Always leave while you’re still having a good time!” - Joanne Sandler
“If it pleases me, I will.” - Idelisse Malavé
Stephen P. Williams - Are You Stephen’s People? | S8 E01
Ellen Bravo: Standing Up | S7 E10
Red-Boots Kickass Bitch and Wisdom Hag | S7 E09
Two Old Bitches/StoriedLives | S7 E08
Sari Botton - The Oldster | S7 E07
Screen Bitches – Why We Love Hacks | S7 E06
Isa Infante - Of Course I Can! | S7 E05
Julie Cajune & Jennifer Finley – “Bad Indians” | S7 E03
Heidi Woordhuis - Crone of Anarchy | S6 E10
Call Your Girlfriend Podcast Summer of Friendship - Two Old Bitches | S6 Bonus Episode
A Guided Meditation | S6 Bonus Episode
Trudy Berlin - A 98-Year-Old Work-in-Progress | S6 E09
Bodhisattvas & QuaranQueens | S6 E08
Srilatha Batliwala - Granny Sri | S6 E07
A Feminist Parable: "But My Neighbor Is Fasting" by Srilatha Batliwala | Bonus Episode
Sonoko Sakai – Salary Woman No More! | S6 E06
Screen Bitches - What We’re Watching | S6 E05
Dina Bursztyn - ArTchaeologist | S6 E04
Politics and Possibility | S6 E03
Ruth Strassberg – Stranger in a Strange Land | S5 E10
Cynthia Madansky - Always Avant Garde | S5 E09
What Else Is There but Pleasure? | S5 E08
Chiemi Karasawa – Sacred Reciprocity | S5 E07
Joanne’s Obsession - An Unforgettable Story of Sexual Harassment at the United Nations | S5 E06
Julie Cajune – The Sum of Her Stories | S5 E05
Lucero Gonzalez – The Feminist Who Could | S5 E04
Tish and Snooky Bellomo – Aging Disgracefully (Founders/owners of Manic Panic) | S5 E03
Mother’s More Than a Day | S4 E10
Hrag Vartanian - Serious, Playful and Radical | S4 E09
Tracy Hyter-Suffern - Quite a Handful | S4 E08
Sharon Louden - Radical Generosity | S4 E07
Michaela Walsh - The Next Adventure | S4 E06
Renata Joy - Pure Joy! | S4 E05
Bitches Know - How to Totally Avoid Jet-Lag Forever! | S4 E04
Joy Kane - If They're Buying It, I'm Teaching It | S3 E10
Houry Geudelekian - The Original Houry! | S3 E09
Hendrica Okondo - Born, Bred and Wed in Nairobi | S3 E08
Maya Wiley - The Possibilist | S3 E07
Emma & Idelisse - To A Beloved Buddha Mom | S3 E06
Betsy ‘La Guapa’ Gude - Fearless Adventurer | S3 E05
Luxor Tavella - Icon of West Broadway and Soho | S3 E04
Janice Zarro Brodman - Sex Rules! | S3 E03
Freida Williams and Diane Scanlon - What’s This Song Good For? | S2 E10
Inca Alexandrina Mohamed - My Life Is My Art | S2 E09
Sondra Lee - As I Was Saying | S2 E08
Malaga Baldi - No One is Watching | S2 E07
Kathy Brew - Unfurling Like A Spiral | S2 E06
Socorro Reyes - Harvest Time | S2 E05
Jaune Evans - Weaving and Spinning | S2 E04
Ana Falu - I Am What I Am! | S2 E03
Dodo Berk - Age Is A Number, and Mine is Unlisted | S1 E10
Radhika Balakrishnan - I Want To Know What They Know | S1 E09
Alta Starr - Everything Is Already All Right | S1 E08
Carol Jenkins – Serial Adjustments | S1 E07
Elaine Finsilver – The Cracked Plate | S1 E06
Noeleen Heyzer – Through the Eyes of Experience | S1 E05
Behind The Scenes: The Bitches Tell All!
Jane Summer - Finding Her Story | S1 E04
A Very Special Holiday Message From The Bitches
Katherine Acey - Will the Elders Please Stand? | S1 E03
Sandra Garcia Betancourt – I Am the Point | S1 E02
All tagged beauty standers
Ongoing conversations about older women’s experience of their physical appearance as they grow older